Saturday, August 31, 2019

Foreign Universities

I’ve often wondered how best to define education. I’d like to define education as the procurement of those preternatural skills which would enable a person to choose between what is right and what is not. Our Indian system of education since time immemorial has been sailing magnificently on the winds of hope, moral coherence and ethical values with the principal objective of making all of us good human beings as opposed to mere knowledge banks. As of today, ‘Indian Education’ is an immaculate melange of our conventional ideals of education, blended with infrastructural and technological boom, catering to the demands of modernization. Over the decades, we’ve produced some very fine men and women. From Swami Vivekananda to Sir C V Raman, from Amartya Sen to Rajendra Pachauri, they’ve all been fine lode stars of our educational system. I’ve never really been a fan of the Western Educational systems. Students there are bestowed with way too much unconditional liberty. They’re treated like empyreal emperors at a time when they should be ordered to shut their PlayStations and take a good look at their school books. There’s too much rationalism in there and very little humanism, which in a sense explains the reason for the rapid moral degradation among a significant number of students in the West. Look at the list of school related criminal attacks worldwide and you’d observe the US perched handsomely at the top. We read almost every week about teen shootouts, teen pregnancies and yet do not wish to speak about them in the open. ‘It’s taboo’. We, Indian students here, atleast under the fear of failure, the fear of humiliation, the fear of corporal punishment are compelled on to the right track as far as our pursuit of educational excellence is concerned. But the very fact that there exists no substantial force which can have similar influences on the students of the West is indeed quite a concern. Another factor working significantly against Western education is its exorbitant cost of education which almost puts it virtually out of reach for many middle class students world over. I know there’s been criticism of our Indian Educational system too. I know there’ve been people cynical of our ‘harsh’ and ‘stern’ methodology of education. But if the drilling exercise is a necessity for intellectual growth, a boon for the nation’s ambitions of having an educated electoral roll, the antidote for illiteracy and ignorance, the quintessential need for individual prosperity, then why not tread that path fearlessly? After all, it is only under pressure that coal turns to diamond. The dominant role of Indian Americans in the US economy is pretty noticeable as well. As of 2008, 4000 PIO professors and 84000 students made their way into US universities and Indian Silicon Valley entrepreneurs generate whopping revenue of $250 billion every year. Is it not ironical then that the well oiled products of our educational system are largely responsible for the economic boom of a ‘global superpower’? Who’s the Big Daddy now? Is this not tangible testimony of our profound educational prowess? Above all the number crunching and intricate statistics, above all the heated cacophony of debates and discussions, just one phrase rings euphoria and triumph in my mind. Vande Mataram. Nothing else. Thank you. I have just received a list of the top Universities of the world (1) University of Cambridge (2) University of Oxford (3) Harvard University (4) University of California 5) The Stanford University (6) University of Tokyo and it is certainly not a matter of great pride that the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai is ranked 30th and except the IIT's, not a single university has made to the top 50. it is — p. m and the speed is so fast that you might see another foreign university getting into this list by the time I finish my speech. Today's topic states â€Å"Should there be an entry of Foreign Educational Institution or University in India† and I stand here firmly opposing the motion. India right now has 487 Universities and 2200 colleges whereas the requirement is 1000 Universities and 35000 Colleges more. So foreign Universities is the only option left. Learning in a Foreign University has a definite advantage in terms of ambience, cultural environment and most of all provides an international mix. For India to become an economic superpower, we first need to become an educational superpower. The number of universities and institutions of higher learning are wholly inadequate to cater to the aspirations of a billion people – unless of course our purpose is to keep large sections of our population out of the education system. Having known different parts of the world and different types of institutions, I can say categorically that as far as the intellect is concerned, we are second to none. How we can overlook the sorry state of our universities and institutions of higher learning. Results are not announced in time. Evaluation is neither objective nor done with any sensitivity. Regulation in education still dates back to the license-permit regime that could do precious little for the country for over five decades.. Our Universities, have failed to impart education in all subject areas. Many new sciences and technologies are never introduced to our students immediately after their inventions. We tend not to care too much for quality, and are pretty complacent about what is acceptable standards. What we lack is a work ethic that nurtures excellence in all its manifestations. The ‘Chalta Hai' attitude is predominant and the only way to break it is to expose this mindset to global standards. Recently cabinet has approved Foreign Educational Institution Bill 2010. I salute Minister of HRD, Mr. Kapil Sibbal for this revolutionary move towards getting a class education in India. Afterall the bill upon becoming a law is sure to make it more convenient for domestic students to get world class education at their door steps. With this, I rest my case but not my thoughts. Thanks I’ve often wondered how best to define education. I’d like to define education as the procurement of those preternatural skills which would enable a person to choose between what is right and what is not. Our Indian system of education since time immemorial has been sailing magnificently on the winds of hope, moral coherence and ethical values with the principal objective of making all of us good human beings as opposed to mere knowledge banks. Over the decades, we’ve produced some very fine men and women. From Swami Vivekananda to Sir C V Raman, from Amartya Sen to Rajendra Pachauri, they’ve all been fine lode stars of our educational system. I know there’ve been people cynical of our ‘harsh’ and ‘stern’ methodology of education. But if the drilling exercise is a necessity for intellectual growth, then why not tread that path fearlessly? After all, it is only under pressure that coal turns to diamond. Look at the list of school related criminal attacks worldwide and you’d observe the US perched handsomely at the top. The dominant role of Indian Americans in the US economy is pretty noticeable as well. Is it not ironical that the well oiled products of our educational system are largely responsible for the economic boom of a ‘global superpower’? Who’s the Big Daddy now? Is this not tangible testimony of our profound educational prowess? Above all the number crunching and intricate statistics, above all the heated cacophony of debates and discussions, just one phrase rings euphoria and triumph in my mind. Vande Mataram. Nothing else. Thank you.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Effect van EPO

InleidingHet hoofddoel new wave dot onderzoek is onderzoeken wat het consequence new wave EPO is op je sportprestaties. Dit zal worden onderzocht met behulp new wave een aantal deelvragen. Ten eerste zal Er worden gekeken naar het consequence new wave EPO op heated menselijk lichaam. Ten tweede zal Er antwoord worden gegeven op hoe EPO je sportprestaties be & amp ; iuml ; nvloed. En tot slot kijken we bij welke sporten EPO het meeste consequence heeft. Door het beantwoorden new wave deze vragen zal Er antwoord worden gegeven op de hoofdvraag ; Wat is heated consequence new wave EPO op je sportprestaties? Er wordt straks eerst een kleine uitleg gegeven over wat EPO nou eigenlijk is, en wat voor consequence EPO op je lichaam heeft. Vervolgens wordt Er uitgelegd wat de gevaren van EPO zijn en hoe ze in topsport de controle uitvoeren op het gebruik new wave EPO. Daarna zal Er uitgelegd worden hoe je op andere manieren ook hetzelfde consequence van cre & A ; euml ; ren ALSs dat EPO op je lichaam heeft. In hoofdstuk 6 zal kort worden aangetoond digital audiotape Er verschillende soorten EPO zijn, van verschillende generaties. In heated laatste hoofdstuk zal Er worden gekeken bij welke sporten EPO nou het meest effectief is en zullen Er enkele voorbeelden new wave EPO gebruikers worden gegeven. Tot slot volgt Er een conclusie met heated antwoord op de deelvragen en de hoofdvraag.EPOEPO, ook wel Erytropo & A ; euml ; tine of hematopoietine genoemd. is een hormoon digital audiotape in de nieren en lever wordt geproduceerd en dat de aanmaak van rode bloedcellen stimuleerd. EPO is een glycoprote & A ; iuml ; Ne. Erytropo & A ; euml ; tine wordt door het menselijke lichaam gemaakt, maar kan ook in laboratoria gefabriceerd worden, en is dan een vorm new wave rhEPO ( recombinante humane erytropo & A ; euml ; tine ) bekend onder merknamen ALSs Eprex, Mircera etc. Menselijke nieren maken de stof ALSs reactie op een lage zuurstofspanning zoals bij anemie wordt gezien. Oorspronkelijk werd de stof dan ook gesynthetiseerd ALSs geneesmiddel voor mensen met niet goed functionerende nieren, die ondanks kunstnierbehandeling bijna allemaal bloedarmoede kregen door een gebrek aan epo. Door dot Te geven kon de bloedarmoede worden gecorrigeerd. Ook kankerpati & A ; euml ; nten kunnen tijdens de chemokuur epo toegediend krijgen tegen bloedarmoede, dot is nodig omdat door de chemokuur rode bloedlichaampjes in het lichaam kapot worden gemaakt.Wat doet EPO?Bloed bestaat uit rode bloedcellen, witte bloedcellen, bloedplasma en nog enkele andere deeltjes. EPO stimuleert de aanmaak van rode bloedcellen en verhoogt h eated totale bloedvolume ; EPO zorgt dus voor meer bloed in het lichaam. Rode bloedcellen zorgen voor het conveyance new wave zuurstof in het hele lichaam. Een rode bloedcel bevat bepaalde structuren, die hemoglobines worden genoemd. Deze structuren in de bloedcel binden zuurstof aan zich ( figuur 2 ) . Sporters met veel rode bloedcellen voorzien Hun spieren dus beter new wave zuurstof. Als je gaat sporten, wordt er door je spieren melkzuur gemaakt. Melkzuur wordt vooral aangemaakt onder anaerobe omstandigheden. Anaeroob betekent zonder zuurstof. De spieren zorgen dus voor energie om Te bewegen, zonder digital audiotape ze daarbij zuurstof gebruiken. Dit gebeurt alleen ALSs het bloed niet genoeg zuurstof kan vervoeren naar de spieren, want het is erg ongunstig. Een sporter kan hierdoor namelijk verzuren. Bij verzuring is heated gehalte melkzuur in de spieren zo hoog, digital audiotape je spieren eigenlijk niet meer willen bewegen. Dit kan leiden tot vermoeidheid en kramp. Spieren gaan dus alleen anaeroob werken ALSs het genuine moet. Een sporter dice EPO gebruikt, kan meer zuurstof vervoeren en zal dus minder snel verzuren dan een sporter dice geen EPO gebruikt. De spieren krijgen meer zuurstof aangeleverd en hoeven dus niet anaeroob Te werken. Als het totaal aan rode bloedcellen en heated totale bloedvolume stijgt, heeft dat ook enkele voordelen voor het lopen of fietsen new wave wedstrijden bij warm weer. Als je intensief beweegt terwijl het erg warm is, koelt het lichaam zichzelf af door meer bloed naar de oppervlakte van de huid Te laten gaan. Doordat het bloed meer aan de oppervlakte pimple, koelt heated sneller af dan digital audiotape het in heated dieper in het lichaam pimple. Dit bloed, aan de oppervlakte, gaat 10 koste new wave het bloed dat zuurstof naar de spieren moet vervoeren. Er is dus tekort bloed beschikbaar om de spieren van voldoende zuurstof Te voorzien. EPO zorgt ervoor digital audiotape het lichaam meer bloed tot zijn beschikking heeft, zodat de spieren, zelfs in de hitte, nog wel zuurstof krijgen. Een ander voordeel is dat er meer H2O in het lichaam is. Bloedplasma bestaat vooral uit H2O, en maakt deel uit new wave het bloed. Dus ALSs het bloedvolume groter is geworden door het gebruik new wave EPO, is ook de hoeveelheid H2O in het lichaam groter. De waterreserve, dice wordt gebruikt bij wedstrijden, is dus groter. Een sporter dice EPO gebruikt kan dus beter tegen de hitte dan een sporter dice niet gebruikt om twee redenen. De eerste is dat hij minder snel verzuurt doordat Er nog genoeg bloed is om zuurstof Te vervoeren. De tweede reden is dat hij meer H2O heeft in zijn lichaam en dus minder snel uitdroogt. Het consequence new wave EPO kan ongeveer drie maanden duren.Gevaren new wave EPOAls je meer vaste stof aan een oplossing toevoegt, wordt de oplossing dikker. Als er nu meer rode bloedcellen worden gemaakt ( een vaste stof ) , wordt het bloed ( oplossing ) dikker.Het bloed new wave een sporter dice EPO gebruikt wordt dus dikker. Het bloed moet door allerlei hele dunne aders in het lichaam, ook naar de hersenen en het Hart. Als het bloed nu heel dik is, kan het niet meer goed door de aderen stromen en hoopt het op. De gevolgen hiervan kunnen zeer ernstig zijn. De sporter kan een hartaanval krijgen of een beroerte en dood gaan. Dit is al een enkele keren gebeurd. In heated jaar digital audiota pe EPO voor het eerst in Europa Te krijgen was, 1987, zijn er vijf nederslandse wielrenners gestorven. Ook in de rest new wave Europa zijn er doden gevallen. Als er sprake is van een hogere temperatuur ontstaat Er een ander gevaar. Als de sporter zweet verliest hij vocht waardoor het bloed N & A ; oacute ; g dikker. Hierdoor wordt de kans op een hartaanval of beroerte voor de EPO gebruiker dus N & A ; oacute ; g groter wordt. Als het erg warm is, verliest het lichaam veel H2O. Het bloed wordt dan peg dikker en het risico new wave een hartaanval of beroerte is dan zoals net ook Al genoemd nog groter.Hoe controleert work forces op heated gebruik new wave EPO?EPO lijkt ALSs twee druppels H2O op het echte hormoon.Het EPO-molecuul is exact hetzelfde aan het hormoon digital audiotape in de nieren wordt geproduceerd. Bij toediening new wave EPO aan een pati & A ; euml ; nt treedt er dan ook geen afweerreactie op, omdat deze stof Al lichaamseigen is, er worden dus ook geen antistoffen tegen EPO gevormd en het medicijn heeft ook nauwelijks bijwerkingen. Bovendien is heated gebruik new wave EPO al na drie dagen niet meer Te achterhalen. Er zijn gee n stoffen meer in de piss of in het bloed Te vinden. Het is dan ook ook erg moeilijk het gebruik Te controleren. Daarom heeft de Medische Commissie new wave het IOC, het Internationaal Olympisch Comite, iets anders bedacht om het gebruik tegen Te gaan. Er wordt een ‘gezondheidscontrole ‘ gedaan. Er wordt bij sporters voor de wedstrijd bloed afgenomen en daarvan bepaalt work forces het per centum rode bloedcellen. Bij een normaal persoon ligt het per centum rond de 42 % . Als heated per centum bij een sporter hoger is dan 50 % , mag hij om twee redenen niet starten. Ten eerste is heated gevaarlijk om met zo'n hoog per centum Te starten. Het risico new wave een hartaanval of beroerte is te groot. Ten tweede is heated zo ongewoon hoog, digital audiotape het zeer waarschijnlijk is dat de sporter EPO heeft gebruikt. Sommige sporters beweren dat ze new wave nature zo'n hoog per centum rode bloedcellen hebben en worden dus onterecht bestraft. In bovenstaande bron is te zien wat de samenstelling is van heated bloed new wave een normaal persoon. We zien dat het gemiddelde per centum rode bloedcellen ongeveer 43 % is. Als er na heated afnemen van heated bloed new wave een sporter blijkt digital audiotape het per centum rode bloedcellen hoger is dan 50 % , mag de sporter niet meer deelnemen aan de desbetreffende wedstrijd, en zal er een onderzoek worden gestart. Omdat ALSs het per centum rode bloedcellen boven de 50 % ligt dan is er een kans dat de sporter EPO heeft gebruikt, ook is heated gevaarlijk om Te starten. Een hoog per centum aan rode bloedcellen vergroot namelijk het risico op een hartaanval en een beroerte. Vele sporters protesteren hiertegen omdat een hoger per centum aan rode bloedcellen ook iets zijn wat bij Hun aangeboren is, maar ook door veel op hoogte Te trainen kan je je per centum rode bloedcellen verhogen. Dit maakt het beleid natuurlijk erg lastig. Vooral omdat het per centum rode bloedcellen ook dus op een andere manier kan stijgen. Een verboden middel ALSs EPO is dus niet verboden ALSs je er een beetje new wave gebruikt, terwijl een spoortje Anabole stero & A ; iuml ; den Al voor een schorsing zorgt. Dit zorgt natuurlijk voor veel discussie in de sportwereld. Om toch de gezondheid new wave sporters in de gaten te houden is de gezondheidscontrole ingevoerd. Zolang er nog geen manier is gevonden om EPO gebruik aan Te tonen, is dit de enige manier om het gebruik proberen Te beperken.Vervangers van EPOEr zijn ook andere manieren om dezelfde effecten van EPO Te krijgen zonder de nadelen die eraan vastzitten. Zoals voorgenoemde, heated leven en trainen op een hoogte.Door de lagere hoeveelheid zuurstof in de lucht, stimuleert het lichaam de aanmaak van excess rode bloedcellen. Echter niet zoveel ALSs EPO digital audiotape doet en het bloed wordt ook niet dikker. Daarnaast worden de longen en het Hart sterker door het trainen op hoogte, ze moeten op hoogte namelijk harder werken om genoeg zuurstof Te blijven geven aan het lichaam om inspanning blijven te verrichten.Verschillende soorten EPO– Eerste generatie Ontwikkeld in 1977, werd uit urine gehaald. – Eerste generatie Ontwikkeld in 1977, werd uit urine gehaald.Twee generatieDeze discrepancy werd vanaf 1987 gebruikt, hieraan overleden vijf Nederlandse wielrenners. Deze variant werd met behulp new wave genetische technieken geproduceerd. Door deze genetische technieken kon EPO in grote hoeveelheden geproduceerd worden.Derde generatieDeze generatie kwam in 2007 op de markt, Cera. Het is de afkorting new wave â€Å" uninterrupted erythropoiesis receptor activator † . En is een middel digital audiotape wordt gebruikt ALSs geneesmiddel bij bloedarmoede of ter voorkoming new wave bloedarmoede bij kankerpati & A ; euml ; nten tijdens de chemokuur Een voordel new wave dot middel is dat je het maar een ke er in de drie & A ; aacute ; vier weken hoeft Te gebruiken.Vierde generatieEr is een vierde generatie new wave EPO op komst, dot middel zou ontraceerbaar zijn. Het gaat hierbij om een vorm new wave gentherapie.In welke sporten wordt EPO het meest gebruikt?EPO wordt het meest gebruikt bij duursporten zoals wielrennen en marathonlopen. Voor sprinters heeft heated gebruiken new wave EPO geen nut omdat dice sowieso verzuren tijdens heated sporten. Dit gebeurt doordat zij in een zeer korte tijd zoveel inspanning leveren, de spieren hebben in & A ; eacute ; & A ; eacute ; n keer heel veel zuurstof nodig, hier kan het bloed ALSs het ware niet tegen transporteren. Het gebruik new wave EPO heeft dus weinig consequence voor sprinters omdat die Al onder anaerobe condities rennen. Sprinten is heel explosief, opeens hebben de spieren heel veel zuurstof nodig. Het bloed kan nooit zoveel zuurstof vervoeren. Ook niet met behulp new wave EPO.Voorbeelden new wave EPO gebruikersOok aan de manus new wa ve deze voorbeelden zien we dat EPO voornamelijk wordt gebruikt bij duursporten.ConclusieHet hoofddoel new wave dot onderzoek was onderzoeken wat het consequence new wave EPO is op je sportprestaties. Dit werd onderzocht met behulp van de volgende deelvragen.Wat is heated consequence new wave EPO op heated menselijk lichaamHoe EPO je sportprestaties be & amp ; iuml ; nvloed.Welke sporten EPO het meeste consequence heeft.Het antwoord op de eerste vraag, Wat is heated consequence new wave EPO op heated menselijk lichaam? EPO is een hormoon digital audiotape de productie van rode bloedcellen in de lever en nieren stimuleert. Het zorgt er dus voor de je lichaam meer zuursof kan opnemen. De tweede vraag was hoe be & amp ; iuml ; nvloed EPO je sportprestaties? Het is gegeven digital audiotapes een sporter dice EPO gebruikt, meer zuurstof kan vervoeren en zal dus minder snel verzuren dan een sporter dice geen EPO gebruikt. Het zorgt Er dus voor digital audiotape je het ALSs EPO gebruikende sporter langer vol kan houden dan de sporter dice geen EPO gebruikt. De laatste deelvraag was op welke sporten EPO het meeste consequence heeft. Het antwoord op deze vraag is bij duursporten, denk aan wielrennen en ski & A ; euml ; n, zoals in de voorbeelden ook Te zien is. Bij sprinters heeft het geen consequence omdat sprinten heel explosief is, de spieren hebben op korte tijd heel veel zuurstof nodig. Het bloed kan nooit zoveel zuurstof vervoeren. Ook niet met behulp new wave EPO. Het antwoord op de hoofdvraag, Wat is heated consequence new wave EPO op je sportprestaties? Hangt dus ook af new wave wat voor soort athletics je beoefend. Als je een sprinter set zal EPO geen consequence hebben op je sportprestaties. Maar ALSs je een wielrenner of een andere duursporter set zal EPO wel degelijk consequence hebben op je sportprestaties. Je spieren zullen door het gebruik new wave EPO minder snel verzuren en zo zal je langer in staat zijn optimale inspanning te leveren. Maar je moet jezelf natuurlijk afvragen of winnen met heated gebruik new wave doping je wel voldoening brengt.BronvermeldingWordlingo:hypertext transfer protocol: // # cite_note-Haroon_2003-1Kennislink:hypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // Footings:hypertext transfer protocol: // articlekey=7032hypertext tran sfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // % 28/actueel/rtlnieuws/buitenland/ % 29/components/actueel/rtlnieuws/2007/ 05_mei/24/buitenland/0524_1330_wat_is_epo.xml

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Globalization and its effects on developing nations Essay

Globalization and its effects on developing nations - Essay Example Although, it has been a decade since they were granted freedom yet their problems remain the same as before. The previous oppression has had its lasting effects but a number of nations are struggling to overcome their problems and pave way for them in this new age of technology (Mohamad, 1996). Globalization is a process which provides opportunity to gain access to international markets and provides means to gain free trade. This in turn creates not only job opportunities but also boosts economy. The opportunities of free trade for developing countries prove to be beneficial as it increases the opportunity to make foreign currency as well as provides the means of creating export markets on international scale. Globalization also makes it possible for the developing countries to acquire the latest and advanced technology. This latest technology helps to improve every sector including educational as well as industrial. Globalization also makes the developing nations to raise the standards of their products to meet international standards. However, there are many negative aspects to globalization which affects the developing nations mainly. First is the issue of unequal flow of money between developed and developing countries. A report of IMF showed that the income of developed and rich countries have increased six times between 1900 and 2000 as compared to the poor nations or developing countries whose income only improved by 3% during the same period (essa, 2003). Globalization also causes decrease in labor for developing countries as more and more people shift to developed countries in order to gain better opportunities of employment. Developing nations are under heavy debts due to the loans they are obtaining for severe conditioned in order to meet the challenges of globalization. Another factor is of so called democratic freedom for every nation in a globalized world. Yet the developing

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - Research Paper Example It quickly became apparent to all as soon as the scandal became public that both it and the cause behind it could have been avoided. To try to prevent other corporate scandals and collapses from happening, President George W. Bush signed into law the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, named for its sponsors, which would establish measures for corporate oversight and promise stiff punishments for those that even attempted, knowingly or unknowingly, to engage in corporate fraud (Bumiller, 2002). Promising to hold the top echelon of corporate executives accountable, and overhauling auditing and recording practices, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was declared to be the most far-reaching reform of the United States of America since the time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Bumiller, 2002). Enron: From Start, to Scandal The story of what would be one of the largest scandals in history started in 1985, when Enron came into existence as Kenneth Lay combined his company, Houston Natural Gas, with InterNorth Corporatio n to form Enron (National Public Radio, 2002). Hoping to gain further profits and showcase its new status as not just a business but a competitor, Enron started to market what was known as futures contracts or the delivery of natural gas to buyers for a certain price at some point in time in the future (National Public Radio, 2002). Like a giant game of Monopoly, Enron worked the boards buying and selling, building profits while growing the business larger and larger, expanding its business. Unfortunately, the investments and contracts that Enron had become known for by 2001 did next to nothing in terms of earning money. The investments that were made and secured largely were not turning a profit, or even earning a return (National Public Radio, 2002). Enron had invested sums of its own corporate funds in operations that, it had hoped, would provide even more money with which to run the business, thus creating a cycle of profit (National Public Radio, 2002). That money never materia lized, though this was kept secret until Enron filed for bankruptcy. The ensuing scandal brought about major reforms in the way accounting practices and audits were conducted, starting with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Enron and GAAP Violations Above all, the biggest question posed to Enron was, what exactly happened? By all accounts, it appeared to be doing well. Even its own employees did not suspect wrongdoings within the company (Cruver, 2003). Unfortunately, Enron also violated Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), or guidelines set out for the preparation of financial statements, in a number of ways (Cunningham & Harris, 2006). While this was not the entire reason for the collapse of the giant that left many without jobs and executives heading to jail for their actions, the ignorance and violation of GAAP principles may well have been the starting point.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Responses to Wk1AJ and AC Analyze the advan and disadv argee or Essay

Responses to Wk1AJ and AC Analyze the advan and disadv argee or disagree and why - Essay Example Public corporations in the United States are mandated by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to publish financial statements at least once a year. Most public companies release interim financial statements every trimester. The double taxation that occurs in corporations is a disadvantage of the corporate business structure. Another con associated with corporations is greater governmental regulations and interventions. DQ2 I agree with you that one of the advantages of the corporate business structure is that it facilitates the process of raising capital. Corporations can become public firms and sell its common stocks in the open market. When a company becomes public its stocks are initially sold through a process known as an initial public offering (Investorwords). Another mechanism that can be used by public corporations to raise cash is to sell commercial paper in the form of bonds. A bond is a $1000 face value financial instrument that allows a company to obtain loans in $100 0 units from different investors. The interest paid by bond is known as the coupon rate. If a company does not pay dividends during a fiscal period the double taxation effect does not take place. Another hybrid instrument that can be used by corporations to raise capital is preferred stocks. Work Cited Page 201. â€Å"IPO.† 10 July 2011.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Concept of the Core Executive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Concept of the Core Executive - Essay Example Prime ministerial dominance is facilitated by the predominance of leadership and leadership and prime ministerial dominance seem to be interdependent and mutually facilitatory. Hefferman claims that the dominance of the prime minister arises from the fact that the prime minister has access to many institutional and personal resources and power tools that give him a dominant role within the polity. The resources available to a minister and especially the prime minister define his power thus greater resources signify more power and fewer resources would indicate less power. Thus resources given to the core executive and the prime minister within a polity, for instance in the British polity would grant the prime minister and his cabinet with intra executive authority and influence and also help them with an opportunity to be stringer through exercising greater power. James (2004) highlights the challenges faced by the members of the core executive for steering and coordinating public activity and in undertaking strategic function of political governance in keeping with social demands. Considering the core executive within the UK government, especially the Treasury, the tools of governance could be delineated. In this case Public Service agreements or PSAs are used as unique tools of governance focused on improvement of public services. Thus core executives use specific tools to provide quality services to the public and these tools of governance are focused on information about performance, improved setting and incentive effects focused on ministers and officials through a system of performance targets in which if targets are achieved, proper performance rewards are given. The core executive thus helps in determining the level of performance as also the quality of services. The powers and priorities are now considerably focused on Prime Minister 's office and the cabinet office suggesting some sort of centralization of power within the British polity. Governance monitoring and assessment have improved considerably although there may be misleading reports on progress towards government goals. The relationship between governance, assessment of performance and expenditure concerns have opened up discussion between departments that focus on priorities although ministerial responsibility for performance has been limited. The core executive sets the target yet targets are seen as minimum pledges of performance rather than tools for improving performance. James highlights the importance of core executives suggesting that the PSA system is in danger as there are frequent changes to principles of governance and also inadequate representation of performance in certain areas of governance. Marsh et al (2003) emphasise further the concept of the core executive using the asymmetric power model to explain the British political system. They point out that the Differentiate Polity Model or DPM by Rhodes has it own flaws as it seems to overstress the diffuse nature of power. Marsh et al contend that the balance of power in the British

Sunday, August 25, 2019

International Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Marketing Plan - Assignment Example As this continued, it broke down the units that were used for the manufacturing process and allowed new businesses to come in. The result was openness in the economy for multinational businesses and new levels of self – expression that were included in the Chinese culture (Donnithorne, 605, 2002). The trends in Shanghai have continued with this with different approaches to culture through statements related to culture, prestige and social status. Examining the launch of Gini and Jony, Indian kids wear manufacturer, can provide further insight into the trends and market that the manufacturer can expand into with the Chinese market. Gini and Jony is one of the top brands in India for children’s wear and continues to provide new trends in the textile industry. Currently, the textile manufacturer provides several different brands of clothing, all which are designed from trends that are a part of kid’s fashion. Some brands include the Happy Style, Jeans, summer clothing and baby wear. There are also international brands that have affiliate agreements with Gini and Jony and are offered in different store locations, including the United Colors of Benetton, Levis and Puma. The main focus of the store is to offer the top ten brands within one location for children. From the several brands that are offered, is the store names of â€Å"Freedom Fashion,† which is designed to provide new looks and trends that children can enjoy. All of the textiles that are offered through the company are designed with fashion statements first, specifically for children. Coordinated outfits, seasonal trends and looks that are unique to Gini and Jony are at the basis of the store and the manufacturing that is used for children’s wear (Gini and Jony,, 2010). The focus of Gini and Jony has currently led to new alternatives for expansion throughout India as well as in other areas of the globe. The company is currently

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Project Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project Management - Case Study Example XYZs business is dealt with into four claims to fame units. The outlined in Exhibits consolidate IT Services, Asset Management, Fund Services, and New Business Investments. The Fund Services (FS) forte unit gives association organizations to basic stores. These organizations fuse trade get ready, execution reporting, record keeping, and genuine organizations. Their vital customers fuse banks, assurance firms, and theory organization associations. Salaries for FS are earned through yearly managerial charges that are based upon a settled rate, implied as "reason centers," of the ordinary consistently net stake worth of the stores. For example, if a customer had contracted with FS to give save managerial organizations at an expense of 5% (500 preparation centers), and that customers normal trust had an ordinary consistently business nature of $1,000, then FSs yearly wage on that store could be $50 (i.e., 5% of $1,000) Understanding the key venture stakeholders is a significant inward element that ought to be tended to throughout the Initiating Phase of an undertaking. Terry felt that Carl was the main key stakeholder of the undertaking. This is confirming when Carl acknowledged the general thought of organizing an ABC framework, with the accompanying stipulations: Since Terry had some former (however restricted) experience working with ABC (from an alternate occupation) and had barely as of late came back from an ABC meeting, Terry might be the undertaking supervisor for the pilot usage. I agree with Carl on this point of view point in that any organization all hands on deck and needs to accomplish its order, it requires to execute aggressive method which comprises of the methodologies and activities an organization takes to draw in clients, withstand intense weights, and reinforce your business sector position. According to

Media and Privacy - the Massacre That Shocked the World Essay

Media and Privacy - the Massacre That Shocked the World - Essay Example Was transparency maintained in reporting? These are the questions that need to be answered when analyzing the case, apart from these questions, What has been referred to as ‘Massacre at Langdale High’ transpired in Andersonville- a small town in the United States. The case of Langdale High involves two siblings named Jeffrey and Laura. Both of them had a pleasant childhood but soon things started to change. The case informs that the neighbours confirmed that both the siblings were friendly and warm during their childhood. However, in case of Laura, her disposition suddenly changed after her tenth birthday. She became quieter and withdrew herself from communications. The reason was, when she turned ten, she was subjected to sexual harassment by her father periodically. This led to the formation of negative feelings inside her such as embarrassment and resentment. She did not engage in any social activity and isolated herself. She was limited to a close clique, whom she called her friends. She tried opting for drugs, in an attempt to find some solace but to her surprise, Laura found jotting her thought in her diary as more therapeutic and satisfactory. In case of Jeffrey, he was a bright kid and celebrated his father as his superhero. He longed for his attention and wanted to share a close bond with him. He was aware of the fact that his sister was being sexually abused by the father every now and then Laura had complained to him several times, but he did not take any stance on his issue and chose to remain quiet. When Jeffrey turned 13, his family was abandoned by his father. This incident was a milestone in Jeffrey’s life and left him a changed person. He became bitter as a person and fell into glum depression. Weapons and ammunition started to lure him and. Many assumed that his rampage was because of the frustration that he felt. This case informs of Sharyn Lassiter, who was the police and a court reporter at Andersonville Tribune.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Human Factors in Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Human Factors in Security - Essay Example It only takes a single lapse to put the classified data and information resources at risk. Thus, the sensitive data may be acquired unlawfully, damaged, or modified because personnel have either become complacent or are assuming new responsibilities without specific security awareness. Therefore, efficient security indoctrination measures must be planned and applied to manage all risks associated with Information and Communication Technologies. Managers at all levels have to ensure that, the indoctrination of AAN personnel commences on induction and continues throughout the progression of their career. 2. The Report In the following paragraph a brief report is presented by AAN managers in order to raise a winning bid for a huge contract. 2.1 Highly Secretive Organizations AAN Limited is involved in designing hundreds of small electrical products and consists of highly professional manpower. Over the last 3 years, the company has been exploring the Asian markets. In order to make a su ccessful bid for winning a huge contract for Indian government, the company is required to change its overall structure and working environment. In order to gain the optimum confidence level of Indian government, AAN Limited is going to change itself into a highly secretive organization. It means the company has to create a highly secured and protective environment to keep all of its business projects confidential not only from external factors but also from any unauthorized persons even belong to AAN. On the contrary, a constricted deliberation related to security devices as a whole may initiate a counterfeit confidence in the system (Turn & Ware, 1975). A cultural shift surrounded by in-depth awareness of information security is needed to win the desired contract. AAN can execute this project through its short and long term strategic objectives. This can be achieved by close coordination of planning, communication, peer review, and documentation (Kevin, Gene, & George, 2004) (a) E stablishment of Department of Information Security Management at headquarters level and IT Centre at section levels (b) Formulation of information security doctrine (c) Designation of IT Officers at section level (d) Provision of information security awareness to all personnel (e) Ensure the use of only officially procured and registered hardware and software (f) All hardware and media is to bear appropriate security marking (g) Ensure that no unauthorized hardware is used 2.2 Human Factors in Security 2.2.1 Roles and Responsibilities Roles and responsibilities of all personnel with respect to information security have been clearly defined by all stakeholders. The word ‘security’ means the controlling methods by which a computer, some other devices, or information contained in them are modified (Miller, 1971).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Breach of contract - contract law Essay Example for Free

Breach of contract contract law Essay Spanish Contract Law provides a broad notion of breach of contract for any behavior that departs from the specified behavior in the contract in any way (time, quality, substance, etc.) or is not specially justified on legal grounds (actions forbidden by the government are not breaches since they are justified on a legal ground). The general benchmark to determine breach is the contract agreed by the parties themselves, and not external notions. However, external notions are used in important situation such as the consumers market where the consumers expectations are the primary benchmarks to assess quality and performance since there is not an explicit contract. External notions are also important in other market, where a third party may have some duty or responsibility over the contract, and therefore, is responsible (at least in part) for any potential breach. The reason for breach does not exclude the breach. What matters is the breach. The analysis of breach takes place in objective terms. Subjective factors generally do not exclude breach, although they may affect remedies. In certain contractual areas, breach of duty and fault are generally required (professional contracts, management contracts: breach requires violation of a duty of care or a duty of loyalty). In professional contracts, the fault may be of a professional who was in contract with the firm, and in management contracts, it may be the fault of the manager. 2) Remedies: Spanish Contract Law provides a wide range of general remedies for breach of contract: †¢ Specific performance: the court forces the breacher to act as it was established in the contract. If for example, the contract stipulated that the promiser had to give the promisee a product of quality 2 and he delivers a good of quality 1, then as remedy the court force the promiser to deliver a good of quality 2. †¢ Damages: the court force the breacher to pay a certain amount of money  (damages) to the other party as compensation. It is a monetary remedy. The court calculate the amount to be paid. †¢ Liquidated damages: these are also monetary compensation, but with the difference that they are not calculated by the court, but they are instead specified in the contract itself. One example are the soccer players contracts, or sale contracts that specifies the amount to be paid for each day of delay. Other general remedies that we can find are: †¢ Termination: if a party suffers a breach, it can contract with another party and abandon its contractual obligation. If the breacher does not agree with this, court is necessary. †¢ Reduction of prices: in case of breach of a party, a general remedy is to reduce the price to equilibrate the contract. Generally, it is the aggrieved party who chooses the remedy to be imposed. 3) Specific performance: Specific performance is a remedy for breach characterized by the fact that a failed performance or departure from required action by the contract will be imposed upon breaching party. It is also characterized by several material variants of the remedy such as: forced delivery, forced action, injunction not to do, repair defective performance and replace non-conforming good. In the case of the injunction not to do, the court oblige the breacher not to do something, such as obliging a CEO to work for the competition if in the contract it was stipulated that he cannot. Specific performance conceptually includes repair and replacement of consumer goods. The main issue with specific performance, when it is feasible, is the issue of the balance of benefits and costs of the remedy. Specific performance implies that the breacher perform as the contract establishes. However, sometimes, the cost of this performance may be higher than the benefit in social welfare terms. Take the example of the mining firm, which has a contract with the owner of the land to mine for 10 years and then clean the land. When the 10 year pass, the firms breaches the contract and refuse to clean. The cost of cleaning the land is 20 millions, and the benefit for the  owner is 1 million. So if the court imposes a specific performance to firm, society will loose 19 millions. A good alternative would be to impose damages to the firm, which would be preferred by the owner, since an agreement between the firm and the owner will be reached that maximize the social welfare. In these cases, performance may be more costly than its value for promisee: performance may be ex post inefficient. There are both positive and negative features of specific performance as a remedy. As positive features, we can distinguish low informational requirements to apply remedy (avoids cost of error linked to estimating damages) and the party aggrieved by breach appears to be satisfied in its promissory expectation. As negative features, we find performance may be more costly than its value for promisee (performance may be ex post inefficient), requires a court order and takes time, for complex performances requires costly and difficult supervision by court and performance by a party forced to comply with contract may be perfunctory (lowest effort) at best. 4) Damages: Damages are understood as general remedies that can be applied to all types of contracts and breaches of contracts. It is a remedy defined in very broad terms: amount of money to compensate any harm suffered by the injured party as a consequence of any breach of contract. We can differentiate between two kinds of damages: expectation and reliance damages. This is why it is a remedy with a variable extension. Expectation damages: Expectation damages is the sum of money that will give the party damaged the same amount of welfare and utility than if the contract would not have been breached and the final result would have been attained. Therefore, the breach party would have to pay the aggrieved party an amount of money that would compensate for the harm caused and in addition an amount of money equal to the value of the performance for this party. There are however some problems with expectation damages since they are difficult to compute and some instances of moral hazard may appear. Those who seek for damages have to provide evidence of both the existence and amount of damages. This requirement has some exceptions in case of harm in re ipsa: illegitimate use of a productive good, deprivation of a productive good, and few other examples. Expectation damages is the general rule in Spanish Law for breach of contract. It is the damage measure that accompanies termination for breach and the replacement measure of specific performance. It is awarded when there is a breach of representations and warranties, advertising and promotional communications and in cases of pre-contractual fraud that are equivalent to breach of contracts. How can we compute expectation damages? When goods or services admit substitutes or cover transactions to avoid the negative consequences of the other party’s breach of contract, the price of these transactions is relevant. If the seller breaches the contract and the buyer has bought a good, generally fungible, then the expectation damages will be equal to the difference between the price of the substitute and the price established in the contract: Psub-Pc. If the buyer breaches the contract and the seller celebrates a cover sale the expectation damages would be equal to the difference between the price established in the contract and the price of the new sale: Pc-Psub. Other ways of computing expectation damages are the following: Market damages: (for fungible good with market price) buyer will receive expectation damages consisting of the difference between the market price when the breach of contract took place (Pm) and the contract price (Pc). Seller will receive the opposite difference. Expectation damages present some limitations that reduce it scope and amount. One of this limitations is the foreseeability rule. This rule state that the breacher should only be liable for the things that are foreseen or could have foreseen at the time of contracting and that are necessary  consequence of his failure to perform. For instance, if the foreseeable harm of a breach is 100 and the aggrieved party end up suffering a loss of 1000, the foreseeability rule states that damages will amount only to 100. The foreseeability rule gives incentives to give information in the time of contracting. Those who suffer from harm must declare the value of the performance. In tort law, there is no foreseeability rule, you pay the actual damage. Another limitation is the duty to mitigate damages: the aggrieved party is under the duty to mitigate damages that the other contracting party has caused with her / his breach of contract. Reliance damages: Reliance damages: sum of money that will give the party damaged the same amount of welfare and utility than if the contract would not have taken place (the initial situation). This is why reliance damages are generally lower than expectation damages. Reliance damages cover expenses for the injured party derived from concluding the contract, specific investments that the injured party has made in reliance of performance of the contract by the other party and opportunity costs. Limited assets: Damages do not always work well. Sometimes, individuals can bear the payment of these damages, and therefore, they will have incentives to reduce them. However, this is not always the case. When the breacher has not enough assets to pay damages up to the point of optimal care, damages do not work well, because people will not pay for the consequences of their acts, and therefore, their level of care will be the optimal according to what they can pay, and not what they should pay. This is known as judgement proof problem. Damages for pain and suffering: The traditional position of the Spanish Supreme Court and Spanish Courts is: †¢ To accept damages for pain and suffering for breach of contract †¢ To award damages for pain and suffering with a relative amplitude and generosity. †¢ To award damages for pain and suffering with several functions: †¢ To avoid the problems of calculating and justifying the amount of the damage award †¢ To compensate harm in personality rights (right to life, liberty, honor, etc.). †¢ To compensate non-patrimonial values joined to economic goods and rights (discomfort, inconvenience, disappointment, frustration) †¢ To punish intolerable or egregious behaviors of breach of contract. When an individual suffer harm, her utility decreases (she goes form point A to point B, but her utility function for money will not change). If this harm is economic, we can compensate this harm with money, which will leave her at point A again. However, the harm that an individual can suffer may be non-economic, and for the same amount of money her utility decreases (her utility function changes). Money cannot restore the initial utility (a huge amount would be needed). This is the case of pain and suffering (accident and death of a relative, discomfort, etc). This is why it is useless to take insurance for death, since it would not compensate the harm. The hairy hand example: What is the difference between expectation and reliance damage? Lets look at an example. An individual was injured in his hand and lost 50% of his use. He entered in a contract with a doctor who promised to reestablish the hand to a 100% of use in exchange for quantity of money. Before the contract was made, the individual was situated in an indifference curve that related all the   combination of hand use and money that let the individual indifferent. We assume that the individual is willing to give up hand use for money. After the contract and operation, the individual was worse off, with 25% of use. What should the doctor pay as damage? If expectation damages are used, the doctor should pay the individual a quantity of money that together with the 25% of hand use leave him with the same utiity as if the contract had succeded and he had 100% of use (situate him in a higher indifference curve). If reliance damages are imposed, the doctor should pay the individual a quantity of mon ey that, together with the 25% of hand use, leave him with the same utility as if the contract did not take place, with 50% of hand use (situate him in the initial indifference curve). 5) Liquidated damages: Liquidated damages are damages for breach that are not determined ex post breach by a Court or arbitration panel, but ex ante by the contract parties themselves into the contract. Such possibility of â€Å"privately stipulated† remedies for breach is acknowledged by most legal systems, typically in the form of payment of money, although other possibilities may exist. They typically replace Court damages and they can be agreed as added penalty for breach. The most important issue is whether Courts are forced to enforce liquidated damages, or they may disregard, or reduce, the amount of the liquidated damages award. The reasons why Courts allow liquidated damages are: †¢ Freedom of contract †¢ A large liquidated damages clause may be necessary to induce promisee to find promise credible and the contract sustainable. †¢ Parties are in a better position than Courts to assess benefits and costs of determining a given amount. †¢ Liquidated damages compensate systematic underestimation of damages by Courts. If liquidated damages are higher than the expectation damages, then the court will apply the second ones. There are however some economic arguments that may lead to reduce or at least control the level of liquidated damages clauses: †¢ â€Å"Excessive† damages clauses resulting from incorrect predictions or forecasts about future outcomes. †¢ External shocks unforeseen by parties that produce an unexpected increase in the damages payment. †¢ True â€Å"uncertainty† about future costs for one party. †¢ Behavioral biases that lead party to underestimate the true adverse impact of a damages clause (the â€Å"deferred cost problem†): †¢ Over-optimism concerning future performance and costs (the example of the gym) †¢ Hyperbolic discounting of future outcomes We can see the liquidated damages as barriers to entry. An excessive amount of LD is beneficial for the parties to the detriment of a third party who  may bid for the services of breaching party. Promisor agrees to pay an amount larger than ED, in exchange of higher price. Promisee uses high liquidated damages to extract larger payment from a third party interested in performance by promisor: larger payment from third party increases the surplus to the contract parties, that is shared between them. Also, excessive payment of third party are made possible by excessive damages clauses, which reduce efficient entry by third parties, and prevents them from successfully bidding for promisor’s performance. That is why the goal of reducing â€Å"excessive† liquidated damages is not to protect the breaching party, but third-parties. Sometimes, excessive LD for signaling are unwanted, since an unforeseeable contingency may appear that will cause a breach in the contract. A pooling equilibrium may be more desirable than a separating one when the distortion caused by the penalty on the â€Å"good type† is large enough. 6) Termination: Among the general remedies for breach, the last one is termination (or rescission, or cancellation, as it may also be called in Common Law jurisdictions). This remedy entitles the aggrieved party to cancel the contractual relationship with the breaching party, eliminating the obligations arising from the terminated contract. Once the contract is terminated the parties should give back what was received under the contract, unless the goods are now in lawful possession of a third party. In this case, the value of the goods would replace the goods themselves. The elimination of the effects of the contract is retroactive: it is considered that the contract did not exist. Spanish courts have established that termination does not require a lawsuit. However, if the other party disputes the termination or its conditions, restitution would require a lawsuit. Courts do not determine termination, but declare whether termination was or not properly effected by the party. The most contested issue about termination is when is termination available as a remedy. It is clear that not every breach or non-performance allows the  aggrieved party to terminate, but a qualified breach (material or fundamental breach) is required. We can define it as follow: †¢ Relevance: the breach must affect the central obligations or duties under the contract and not merely ancillary or incidental duties. †¢ Duration: the breach should not be merely sporadic or transitory, but likely to be repeated or continuing. †¢ Importance: the breach must substantially affect the interests of the non-defaulting party. Termination does not go alone, it does not exclude damages, and in fact it is naturally accompanied by damages payment.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Performance Of The Nestle Company Business Essay

The Performance Of The Nestle Company Business Essay Nestlà © is a multinational packaged food company founded and headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. It came into being from a merger in 1905 between the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company for milk products established by the Page Brothers in Cham, Switzerland, in 1866 and the Farine Lactà ©e Henri Nestlà © Company set up in 1867 by Henri Nestlà © to provide an infant food product. Trademark of Nestlà © is birds in a nest, derived from Henri Nestlà ©s personal coat of arms, suggests the values upon which he originated his Company. Several of Nestlà ©s brands are globally renowned, which has made the company a global market leader in many product lines, including milk, chocolate, confectionery, bottled water pet food. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Nestles Brands are: 1. Milk Nutrition 2. Beverages 3. Prepared dishes cooking aids 4. Chocolates confectioneries Objectives of Nestle To manufacture and market the Companys products in such a way as to create value that can be unremitting over the long term for shareholders, employees, consumers, and business partners. It does not favor short-term profit at the expense of successful long-term business development. It recognizes that its clients have a genuine and reasonable interest in the behavior, beliefs and actions of the Company behind brands in which they place their trust and that without its patrons the company would not exist. Nestlà © thinks that, as a common rule, legislation is the most useful protection of responsible demeanor, though in certain areas, extra supervision to staff in the form of deliberate business principles is advantageous consecutively to guarantee that the highest standards are met all the way through the organization. Nestlà © is aware of the fact that the success of a company is the expression of professionalism, conduct and the conscientious attitude of its management and employees. Consequently recruitment of the right people and constant training and development are essential. Nestlà © persists to preserve its dedication to follow and value all applicable local laws in each of its markets. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Core values of Nestle A requirement for dealing with people is reverence and reliance. Integrity and transparency in dealing with people are very important for good communication. This is balanced by open dialogue with the purpose of sharing competencies and boosting creativity. To communicate is not only to notify; it is also to pay attention and to take on a discussion. The eagerness to collaborate, to facilitate others and to be trained is a requirement for progression and promotion in Nestle. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Nestle is a human company Nestlà © is a human Company providing a rejoinder to individual human needs all over the world with explicit concern for the comfort of both its patrons and its employees. This can be seen in its approach and its sense of conscientiousness towards people. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). After analyzing Nestle it has been seen that it has to follow all three models High Performance, High Involvement High Commitment. Since Nestlà © simultaneously aspires to boost sales and profits and, to raise the standard of living everywhere, it is active and the quality of life for everyone. Nestlà © is also swayed that it is the people who form the vigor of the business and that nothing can be attained without their loyalty and their vigor, which makes people its most significant asset. Participation of people at all levels starts with suitable information on the Companys activities and on the explicit aspects of their work. Everyone is invited to contribute towards improvements enhancing Company results and personal progress through open communication and dynamic collaboration. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Nestlà ©s Culture Theres a very strong organizational culture in Nestlà ©. It believes on team work. The head office provides the guide lines to the zonal managers and informs them about their budget limitation. The zonal managers are totally independent in constructing their plans and the usage of budget. Likewise, the regional managers are independent in their areas. They are given a specific target and a certain amount of budget. The discretion is theirs to make plan and attain the targeted result in the certain given budget. The internal control system of the organization is very strong and effective as well. Due to the strong check and balance, they can make eradications and amendments in their plans. If the plan does not work properly, the manager can take corrective measures. No one from the company can challenge his power. The betterment towards the achievement of goals can only be done through the collective commitment. (Nestle Report, n.d.) HR PRACTICES in Nestle Human resource planning and requirements in Nestlà © Planning consists of those guidelines which encompasses a sound basis for efficient and effective HR Management in the Nestlà © Group around the world. They are flexible and dynamic and may require adjustment to various circumstances. Hence its application will be influenced by good judgment, compliance of the local market laws, keeping in mind the specific context. Its spirit should be respected under all circumstances. As Nestlà © is operating all over the world, it is necessary that labor laws and practices be respected everywhere. Degree of development of each market and its capacity to advance in the management of their human resources should also be taken into consideration. (Nestle HRM, n. d.) HR policies are addressed to all those who have a liability in managing people as well as to HR professionals. The Nestlà © Management and Leadership Principles include the guidelines influencing all the Nestlà © employees in their action and in their dealings with others. The Corporate Business Principles comprises of the basic principles which Nestlà © endorses and subscribes to on a worldwide basis. Both these documents are the pillars on which Nestlà ©s present policy has been built. (Nestle HRM, n. d.) HR managers and their staff are there to provide professional support in handling employee matters but should not substitute themselves to the responsible manager. Their major liability is to contribute effectively to the quality of HR management throughout the organization by proposing adequate policies, ensuring their consistent application and coherent implementation with fairness. (Nestle HRM, n. d.) Recruitment The recruitment process at Nestle is evidently distinct. People with qualities like dynamism, realism, pragmatism, hard work, honesty and trustworthiness are welcomed there. Nestlà © follows a set process for hiring more employees. The major document in this connection is the Recruitment Requisition Form. A recruitment opportunity could arise either after discussing or planning a position on the termination of some employee or on an urgent need basis. After receiving the document the human resource department puts up an advertisement in the newspaper or it directly contacts placement officers at various institutes. Approximately eight to ten best resumes are selected and presented to the divisional heads. On their recommendation the candidates are called for interviews and the most suitable are finally selected. (Nestle HRM, n. d.) Training From the factory floor to the top management, training at Nestlà © is incessant. Since it is mainly given by Nestlà © people, it is always significant for the professional life. Throughout the world, each country runs its own training programs (e-Learning, classroom courses, external courses), and it has five training centers in France, UK, Spain, Mexico and Brazil. Nestle provides the following- Literacy training to promote vital literacy skills, particularly for workers who operate new equipment (Mission-directed Work Team Approach). Employees are also sent abroad to study markets, consumer tastes and others. Nestle Apprenticeship Programs. Local Training Programs-on issues ranging from technical, leadership, and communication and business economics. Rive-Reine, their International Training and Conference Centre in Switzerland is where Nestlà © people from all over the world meet to exchange information and ideas in seminars and training courses (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Performance management Formal assessment is done by Line Managers and HR once a year with feedback. Nestle gives subordinates the freedom to ask question for an unfair evaluation. Explicit key Performance Indicators have been listed by the HR department. One of the important key performance indicators is achievement following the Nestle management and leadership principles. Remuneration structure and promotion criterion depends on the individuals performance. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Compensation Nestle endeavors to offer fair compensation. Remuneration level is above the average in industry. The inconsistent component of the salary is relatively immense to reward individual performance. In case of higher management level, the inconsistent part is associated with individual team target achievements. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Rewards incentives Passion to Win awards- These quarterly awards have been institutionalized to reward those who over-achieve their targets. Long-service Awards are given to recognize employees who have been with the company for more than 30 years. Nestle Idea Award- the company institutes Nestle Idea Award every quarter to distinguish and honor employees who come up with significant and pioneering ideas which have the prospective of being implemented at Nestle. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Benefits The following benefits are provided to all employees at Nestle Leave-Personal Medical (fixed no. per year). Children Education Assistance Scheme. Provident fund. Retirement Gratuity Scheme. Group Insurance Accidental Insurance Scheme. Conveyance Reimbursements. Residential Accommodation. Monthly health check-ups free consultation for self family etc. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Employee relations Nestle provides a very healthy working environment which is one of the reasons why Nestlà ©s employees organizational commitment is very high. Employee turnover is less than 5%, which is considered to be very low for a multinational corporation. Nestle has an open culture upward communication particularly in case of grievance, redressal is encouraged. Work and Life stability is given substance, as illustrated in the Nestle Human Resource Policy document. Nestle Family annual events are organized by their HR department and employees along with their families are invited. Strong emphasis is laid on safety of employees (Nestle Policy on Health and Safety at Work. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Change management Nestle has attuned to the dynamic external environment for the last 140 years since its commencement in 1866 without trailing its elementary beliefs and core values. It manages change and coerces sustainable advantageous growth by following the policy of making plodding changes as a substitute of making radical and precarious changes. (Strategic HRM, n.d.). Safety health Nestlà © considers its people as its most valuable asset and ranks the highest priority on protecting them. In every country where Nestle operate, it emphasizes the need for safe working environments, which must meet the strict global corporate standards. They are determined to provide a safe working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors and are vigilant in continuing to implement Health and Safety practices and programs at all the sites. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Valuing people by providing a safe place to work. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identifying, assessing and reducing risk and preventing injury or illness to employees, contractors and visitors. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Operating business to meet health, safety, legislative and other requirements applicable to Nestlà ©. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Continually monitoring, reviewing and establishing new objectives aimed at eliminating or minimizing work related injury or illness. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Developing and implementing effective and efficient injury management systems which enable a safe and sustainable return to work for affected employees. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Providing information, training and supervision to employees and contractors to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities in eliminating or minimizing the risk of workplace injury or illness. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Encouraging a similar Health and Safety commitment from our suppliers and contractors. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Consulting with employees and other stakeholders on Health and Safety matters. (Nestle HRM, n. d.) Contribution of human resource planning towards organizational objectives Nestle is the world leader in FMCG industry. People rely on the products offered by the company. Nestle in this present era is heading towards implementing and adopting new strategies to retain its customer and to get more clientele as well. Nestle tries to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses along with opportunities and threats to assess the need of implementing strategic policy. HR as discussed above plays a significant role to capturing and sustaining Nestle status and consumers in the market. This is possibly done through the constant effort on the part of strategic human resource management and their planning as discussed in this paper to keep up the pace with modern revolutions, technological advances and changing perceptions of the people and consumers world over. List of References Nestle HRM. (n.d.). Scribd Inc. Retrieved March 13, 2011 from Nestle Report. (n.d.). Scribd Inc. Retrieved March 13, 2011 from Strategic HRM. (n.d.). Scribd Inc. Retrieved March 13, 2011 from Upson, M. (2011). What is strategic human resource management? Retrieved March 14, 2011 from Task 3 Briefing paper for the client Every organization has people; that implies they have human resources. Not considering the size of an organization or the extent of its resources, the organization endures and flourishes because of the competence and performance of its employees. The actions to take full advantage of those capabilities and that performance are essential regardless of whether the organization refers to them as Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development or Human Resources or has no official name for those actions at all. These activities are the liability of all people in the organization. (McNamara, n.d.). Implementation of straight-forward, unambiguous and brief HR policies and job descriptions are important for a number of reasons in an organization. Failing to implement policies and job descriptions leaves the company open to legal challenges, grievances and law charges, particularly if you contradictorily apply your human resources policies and your pay structure/system. (Absolute HR Solutions, n.d.). Grievances and lawsuits lead to: Increased costs that affect companys profits Increased turnover Negative morale The company can keep away itself from these troubles if you implement HR policies, procedures according to the labor laws. (Absolute HR Solutions, n.d.). The company requires human resources policies and procedures and current job descriptions so that the staff is treated uniformly athwart a variety of employment issues. Moreover, human resource polices facilitate if legal situations arise. (Absolute HR Solutions, n.d.). Impact of organizational structure and culture on the management of HR Organizational culture generates a number of diverse concepts, strategies, and situations which influence every level of scheduling when it comes to any type of hierarchical organization. The implications of organizational structure and culture apply to companies, corporations, charitable organizations, governments, and even sports teams/organizations. (Implications of Organization Structure Culture, 2007). Many leadership theorists and coaches have found that ineffective leadership often tends to be one of the major causes of an organizations retreating and deterioration. A governmental example from history can be ancient Rome. During a series of terrible emperors, the structure and culture was strong enough to often overcome it, even for decades at a time-but without strong top end leadership eventually the mid level governing and organizational culture collapsed, resulting in the ultimate failure of the culture. To be healthy for the long term, a corporation must have strong human resource management, leadership and a strong organizational culture. Though some of the strongest companies or organizations may be able to tread water for a long period of time, or even do well, if the culture starts to erode, its only a matter of time until the larger structure collapses. (Implications of Organization Structure Culture, 2007). Enormous human resource management and good leadership is needed for an organization to have strong culture, even great organizational culture will eventually become dull, and then erode completely without strong HR to help keep everything running smoothly. (Implications of Organization Structure Culture, 2007). Leaders must have a deep understanding of the identity and impact of the organizational culture in order to understand what kind of human resource management and adjustment is needed within the company, as well as perceiving how to communicate their vision to the rest of the company. (Implications of Organization Structure Culture, 2007). From corporations to government to sports teams, the study of how structure and culture impacts the management can reflect a better way to make an entity work. Use a sports team as an example: most teams who have the only head coach as the GM doesnt do well as compared to the teams who split the duties between two individuals who can work together towards the same common goal. (Implications of Organization Structure Culture, 2007). Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of HRM Organizational efficacy depends on having the right people in the right jobs at the right time to meet quickly changing organizational needs. Right people can be selected by performing the role of Human Resource function. A strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging peoples capabilities is critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programs and practices. According to this human resource management should not only handle recruitment, pay, and discharging, but also must make the most of an organizations human resources in a more strategic manner. An important aspect of an organizations business focus and direction towards achieving high levels of competency and competitiveness would depend very much upon their human resource management practices to contribute effectively towards profitability, quality, and other goals in line with the mission and vis ion of the company. Staffing, training, compensation and performance management are fundamentally central tools in the human resources practices that shape the organizations role in satisfying the needs of its stakeholders. Common rules and procedures of human resource management must be adhered to by the organization which forms basic guidelines on its practices. Teamwork amongst lower levels of staff and the management should be formed and continue to assist in various aspects that would reckoned necessary in eliminating communication breakdowns and encourage better relationship among workers. The management should emphasize on first-rate corporate culture in order to develop employees and generate an optimistic and favorable work environment. An HR strategy should aim to capture the people element of what an organisation is tending to achieve in the long run, guarantying that It has the right people in place It has the right mix of skills Employees display the right attitudes and behaviors, Employees are developed in the right way. (Groenewald, 2011).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

In Seal Team Six English Literature Essay

In Seal Team Six English Literature Essay Herbert Spencer, a renowned philosopher once said, Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations Herbert Spencer Quotes. Throughout his life, Wasdin was influenced by the experiences of his childhood, during which he was harshly abused by his stepfather. He decided to enlist after graduating from college, and went on to become a member of SEAL Team Six, an anti-terrorist group known for taking down Osama Bin Laden and various other terrorist leaders. His novel, SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of An Elite Navy Seal Sniper, describes his journey from a poor beginning in an impoverished neighborhood to a distinguished position in the army, and brings the reader through his journey to success. During his narration, he constantly reminds the reader of how experiencing abuse as a child helped him endure hardships and succeed. Howard E. Wasdin encountered many struggles throughout his life, but he was able to became one of the worlds most renowned and deadliest soldie rs, as evidenced and shown through his achievements in his life and his overcoming of abuse. Howard E. Wasdin was born Howard E. Wilbanks on November 8, 1961 in the quiet town of Screven, Georgia. His biological father ran away when Wasdin was a few months old, and his mother engaged and married another man, Leon Wasdin. Howard was born premature, but the clinic was so poor that it didnt have an incubator. Millie Kirkman, Wasdins mother, carried him home in a shoe box, and, for a bed, pulled out a drawer from one of the dressers and put blankets in it. As a child, I learned to endure forces beyond my control. My mother had me when she was sixteen years old (Wasdin 25). From an early age, Wasdin learned to adapt and live with a changing situation, an important aspect of a soldier. Belonging to a poor family did not help the fact that he was abused. The earliest memory I have of my childhood is when I was four years old awakened in the middle of the night by a huge man reeking of liquor. He snatched me out of the top bunk, questioning me about why Id done something wrong that day. Then he slapped me around, hitting me in the face, to the point where I could taste my own blood (Wasdin 26). Abuse heavily impacted Wasdin, and it stayed with him for the rest of his life. By the time he was five, Wasdin attempted to run away, but was later returned by the police a night later. On the night of his return, Wasdin was nearly beaten to death by Leon, his stepfather. Leon also happened to be a truck driver, and owned pecan trees in the yard of his house. It was Howards responsibility to pick up the pecans off the driveway when Leon came home, and if he heard any pecans pop under his wheels, that was my ass. Didnt matter if any had fallen since I picked them up. It was my fault for not showing due diligence (Wadin 28). In high school, Wasdin participated in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC), and he discovered an interest in the military. He was fascinated with the discipline, structure, and nice uniform, and was always the outstanding cadet. It was a nice break from abuse, and after graduating from Cumberland Community College, he enlisted. On November 6, 1983, he reported to the Naval Training Center in Orlando, Florida for three months of basic training, and after basic training, Wasdin committed to six weeks of aircrew training and twelve weeks of search and rescue training at the Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida. Then, he joined the Helicopter Anti-submarine Squadron Seven as an antisubmarine warfare operator and rescue swimmer. One of Wasdins first encounters with war was when his helicopter crashed into the Atlantic Ocean while investigating a Russian nuclear submarine that had sunk while sailing off the coast of Bermuda. Wasdin jumped to action, rescuing the pilot and f ellow comrades who had been knocked unconscious by the impact and calling in another helicopter for exfiltration. He was commended for his efforts and invited to join SEAL training, which he completed a year later. At first, Wasdin was assigned to SEAL Team Two, a more basic group, before being promoted to SEAL Team Six. Before being allowed to undergo training for becoming a navy SEAL on Team Six, Wasdin fought in Operation Desert Storm, a conflict between the United States and Iraq that would last for a year, and along with his SEAL Team Two, he took control of a cargo ship disguised under an Egyptian flag that was laying mines in the Red Sea. Also, he destroyed undetonated missiles in enemy territory to make sure they did not get the invaluable technology, and helped Iraqi refugees by transporting food and water. After the operation, Wasdin tried applying for a position on the SEAL teams, and he wrote, If I hadnt been a player in Desert Storm, I probably wouldve had to wait anoth er two and a half years (Wasdin 146). During his occupation as a SEAL Team Six operative, he was wounded in the Battle of Mogadishu, and discharged from the army shortly after. He developed neck problems from his wounds, and after seeing a chiropractor, he was completely cured without any medicine. Wasdin later went on to study at a chiropractic college and open his own chiropractic clinic. (Gray 2) In Seal Team Six: Memoirs of An Elite Navy Seal Sniper, Wasdin brings the reader through most of his life, from him humble beginnings as an abused child to his great achievements as a SEAL warrior, with a majority of the book focused on his training and life during war. The fourth week of basic SEAL training is aptly nicknamed Hell Week, because trainees have died from being exhausted or overworked, training for five days and five nights on four hours of sleep total. Howard records a certain event during Hell Week: Instructor Stoneclam said, Everybody out of the water! We crawled out of the water and on to the floating steel pier. He made us strip naked and lay down. Mother Nature had prepared the pier by blowing cool wind across it. Then the instructors sprayed us with cold water. Our muscles contracted wildly. The spasms were uncontrollable. Mike said, Sorry man. I gotta pee. Its okay man. Pee here. He urinated on my hands. Oh, thanks, buddy. Most people think its just gross theyv e obviously never been really cold (Wasdin 69). Hell Week always starts late at night on a Sunday, and ends at dawn of Saturday. By Thursday night of Hell Week, the trainees only had three to four hours of total sleep since Sunday, and the dream world started to mix with the real world. While enjoying a meal on Thursday morning of Hell week, an instructor said to Wasdin, You know, Wasdin, I want to you take this butter knife, go over there, and kill that deer in the corner (Wasdin 72). He looked over, and sure enough, a buck stood still in the chow hall. He crept up to the deer and pounced, only to discover it was the tray table. It was common for an instructor to play a trick like this, as it was their job to break the trainees and find their weaknesses. After completing SEAL training, Wasdin went directly to airborne training at Fort Benning, Georgia. He ridiculed the other students at the training, because he felt that coming from SEAL training, airborne training was very easy. W asdin writes, Some of the soldiers talked as if the training were the hardest thing in the world. They thought they were becoming part of some elite fighting force (Wasdin 89). Then, he trained alongside Swedish Special Forces while moving on to winter warfare training in Scotland. About a year after he finished winter warfare training, he participated in Operation Desert Storm, and after Desert Storm, he applied for a spot on SEAL Team Six, and was accepted. However, the worst of his battles was yet to come. The Battle of Mogadishu, or Black Hawk Down, took place on October 3, 1993, and was one of the bloodiest battles of the twenty-first century for the United States. The goal was to hunt down Somalian warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid, but Wasdin and his comrades were ambushed while pursuing him. In spite of one hundred eighty soldiers fighting against nearly three thousand of Aidids forces, American forces managed to capture several high value targets. However, Wasdin was shot by a Somali militant at close range, nearly blowing his right leg off. After the battle, Wasdin was airlifted to the armys Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, the largest American hospital outside the United States. Upon his arrival, the doctors took him straight to surgery. At first, Wasdin refused to take the general anesthetic, because he was afraid of losing his leg to surgery, but the surgeon eventually gave him an epidural, which numbed him from the waist down. Uncle Earl, from his wifes family, came to visit Wa sdin after the surgery, and was appalled at the stark conditions at the hospital. Wasdin was lying in his own excrement, and was filthy all over. After the epidural, he lost control of his bladder, and there was still dried blood caked on his body from the battle. Maybe the hospital had been too busy to perform proper patient care due to the sudden influx of wounded soldiers from the battle, but after a brief discussion, Earl got the staff to clean Wasdin and replace his bed sheets. Nonetheless, Wasdin contracted a staph infection from the hospital stay, and nearly died. He managed to fully recover, but still had an unexplained wracking pain in his neck. He assumed the pain was some lasting effect from the infection, but after a few visits to a doctor, he discovered that the pain originated from adjusting for his gunshot wound by changing his gait. Wasdin compared his body to a house: If the basement tilts to the right and sinks a little, the roof follows except the necks pulls the opposite way (Wasdin 287). Eventually, a friend recommended a chiropractor to him, and after a few appointments, he was completely rid of the neck pain. This particular event inspired him to pursue an education in chiropractic, and he later graduated with honors as a doctor of chiropractic on September 24, 2009 from Life University in Georgia. Currently, Wasdin runs a chiropractic clinic in Jessup, Georgia. (Why I became a Chiropractor) In his novel, Wasdin revealed a lot of information about his own life. He took the reader through the grueling weeks of SEAL training, and led the reader through several significant military operations, including Operation Desert Storm, the Battle of Mogadishu, and investigating Soviet Submarine K-219. He also goes into detail about suffering PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) after being discharged. Wasdin writes, I suffered the withdrawal symptoms of being cut off from the camaraderie. I was in culture shock, too. People around town could talk to me about their lives, but I couldnt talk to them about mine (Wasdin 272). Moreover, he talked about how he was motivated to become a chiropractor: After all the neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, and other doctors, a chiropractor gave me back my quality of life, (Wasdin 293) referring to how only the chiropractor was effective in treating Wasdins pain. Wasdin described his childhood and its later influence on his life. In his novel, he compared his kinfolk to a lion pride, or family. He comments, When a lion acquires a lioness with cubs, he kills them. Leon didnt kill me, but anything that was not done exactly right, I paid for (Wasdin 27). If the chores were not done correctly by the time Leon came home, Wasdin was beaten. If the pecans were not completely removed from the driveway when Leon came home, Wasdin was beaten. If the incorrect number of produce was brought home from the market, Wasdin was beaten. Although Wasdin lived an unfortunate childhood, this helped prepare him both mentally and physically for his military career. Child abuse is an issue prevalent throughout the world, and it is not a simple matter. As Giardino, a doctorate in pediatrics writes, It is impossible and inadvisable to consider physical abuse of a child as an isolated incident with one cause and one effect. The ecological model of human development and interaction is generally regarded as an ideal conceptual framework à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ leading to the nonaccidental injury or physical abuse of the child. While the relationshop between the amount of stress in an environment and the likelihood of abuse is not completely understood, there is data that suggests that the likelihood of abuse tends to increase when stress increases. Also, some caregivers can handle stress better than others, as evident with Leon, who could clearly not manage his temper. Leon and Wasdins mother both came from the poorer regions of Screven, Georgia, Wasdins birthplace. This may have contributed to an increased amount of stress experienced by the two parents, an d Leon was depicted as an alcoholic in the novel. Wasdins parents were both explicitly abusive, shouting expletives and threatening his life. There are many severe and permanent consequences to abuse. Suffering abuse can completely devastate a child, as they should be receiving love and nurturing instead. Childhood is a period of development during which a person takes in ideas and notions that he/she will retain for the rest of his/her life, and it is crucial that a child lives in a supportive environment that promotes growth. Child abuse has consequences for both society and the victim: According to a National Institute of Justice study, abused children were eleven times as likely to be arrested for criminal as a juvenile, four times more likely to be arrested for violent and criminal behavior as an adult à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Long term Consequences). Five children in the United States die every day from abuse-related injuries, and approximately eighty percent of children that die from abuse are under the age of five. Also, two-thirds of people in drug treatment program report being abused as children. For Wasdin, abuse started at the young age of four years old, when human developme nt starts to quicken. Despite the negative aspects of abuse, it played an important part in keeping Wasdin at the top of his SEAL class and alive in war. The slap of a belt against skin and the sound of a hand against a face may be stark reminders to Wasdin of his past, but in essence, being beaten prepared him for the physical test of training. Being scared for his life and dreading the next encounter with Leon may have been mentally scarring to Wasdin, but being placed under stress helped prepare him for the mental strain of training. Wasdin mentioned that many of his fellow trainees were more fit and stronger than him, yet did not have the mental toughness required of a SEAL. Among his classmates included an Iron Man triathlete, a college football player, and others. Wasdin writes, Anybody can be physically strong. A lot of people can show up to training and be able to perform the tasks given to them. Professional athletes and high school sports stars sometimes participate, and they are the first to quit. Mental toughness is just as important as physical toughness, even more so in times of war (Wasdin 156). These traits kept him al ive in war. Wasdin learned important lessons from suffering abuse as a child. From the pecan tree punishments, he learned to be aware of his surroundings and pay attention to every single detail. When he took out the trash and the wind blew the trash can over after he went back inside his house, Wasdin learned to adapt to the changing situation and just deal with it. When he was beaten for bringing home the wrong number of carrots and watermelon, he learned the importance of being exact when counting. These are all aspects of a successful soldier. For example, during the Battle of Mogadishu, Wasdin was the driver of a Humvee, and if Wasdin did not see the militant who had popped up to shoot him, he would likely have been shot to death. When Wasdin was shot, he stayed calm and looked for safety, adapting to the situation. Before the battle, he had checked his weapon magazine for the correct number of rounds, so that it would not jam during a firefight. He also made sure that his medical supplies were adequate; if he had missed a single tourniquet during Battle of Mogadishu, he almost most certainly wouldve lost his leg. While abuse negatively affected Wasdin as a child, it ultimately benefited him later on in life. Wasdin had a tough beginning as a child, but he took advantage of his struggles and went on to become a renowned soldier, receiving several honors and awards for his valiance in combat. His novel Seal Team Six: Memoirs of An Elite Navy Seal Sniper received acclaim from critics from The Washington Post and Time Magazine, and continues to be a harrowing account of his journey from a victim of abuse to a victorious, decorated veteran.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Terrorism Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Why do people resort to such violent acts as bombing, assassinations, and hi-jacking? How do individuals and organizations justify these acts of terror? These acts can easily be labeled as terrorist actions. Terrorism is a growing international problem. In the recent years, new terrorist groups and organizations have been forming at an alarming rate. Governments have had little success in their attempts to resolve issues involving terrorism. One of the major problems in discussing terrorism is â€Å"establishing a generally accepted definition.† Terrorism can be described as, â€Å"the unlawful use of fear or force to achieve certain political, economical, or social aims.† By being so difficult to define, organizations like the United Nations have had great difficulty creating policies against terrorism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A single individual, a certain group, or even governments may commit terrorist actions. Unlike criminals, most terrorists claim to be dedicated to higher causes. Repeated methods of terrorism involve threats, bombings, and the destruction of property, kidnapping, hostages, executions, and assassinations. There are many reasons that political groups attempt to bring radical change through terrorism. People are often frustrated with their position in society. Some feel persecuted or oppressed because or their race, or religion. Most often, terrorists are known for their dislike of the government. Groups that use terrorist act...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Revenge and Emotions Essay -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare

In the world today, many people face family problems every single day, but there are few people who face adversities as tough as those in William Shakespeare’s plays. Coping with family problems can cause a person to do vile things to themselves as well as to others. Shakespeare’s famous play revolves around revenge, which is the desire to do harm in return for a wrong. His play shows how the loss of loved ones can affect people. He builds up the idea that people do harmful things through anger rather than reasoning. In the play Hamlet, the characters face emotions that lead to revenge because they are unable to cope with the death of love ones. Hamlet’s Uncle Claudius kills his father, but he has no knowledge of this. The ghost says, â€Å"I am thy father’s spirit, doomed for a certain term to walk to the night, and for the day confined to fast in fires, till the foul crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purged away† (I.v.9-33). The ghost tells Hamlet that he is his father and that a foul crime has been committed. He also tells him that the crime is forgotten. Hamlet finds out that his uncle kills his father by pouring poison in his ear while he is sleeping. Ghost says, â€Å"List, list, O, list! If thou didst ever thy dear father love —† (I.v.21-23). At this point, the ghost is saying to Hamlet if he has any love for his father he will avenge his death. The ghost states, â€Å"Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder† (I.v.25). Hamlet’s father is telling him to get revenge for his death. Hamlet ‘s initial reaction is to avenge his father, a reaction that is brought on by a sudden shock of the ghost’s confession.To prove that Hamlet has love for his father he is going to avenge his father’s death. â€Å"Haste me to know’t, that... ...and wounds the king. Hamlet finds out that the king poisoned the drink that killed his mother. Hamlet is full of rage and runs his uncle through with the poisoned sword. Hamlet states, â€Å"Here, thou incestuous, murd’rous damned Dane, drink off this potion. Is thy union here? Follow my mother† (V.ii.304-306). Hamlet makes the king drink the same drink that kills his mother. Hamlet has fulfilled the ghost’s wishes. The theme of revenge reaches its conclusion when Hamlet kills Claudius. Revenge is the core theme in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Death of loved ones cause the characters to act blindly through anger and emotion which cause them to carry out revenge. Hamlet has opportunities to kill Claudius, but he waits until the time is right to kill him. Hamlet, and the Laertes both accomplishes their task. Their obsession and need for revenge lead them to their downfalls.